Wednesday, November 28, 2007

I probably blog this every year, but I love the holidays. I think for me the momentum starts to build in September with the start of Fall. I pull out my fall decorations & keep them up through Thanksgiving. Usually the day after Thanksgiving out come the Christmas/Winter decorations but I'm waiting this year so that they aren't up for Addison's birthday party.

I love things that remind me of this time of year too (if you couldn't tell from the decorations) - different food, drinks, traditions, & even tv shows/movies.

So, this year in the week leading up to Thanksgiving I pulled out my Friends dvds (my parents got us the whole series for Christmas a few years ago) & watched every Thanksgiving episode! I found out that season 2 is the only season that doesn't have a true Thanksgiving show (remember mocolate?) so I skipped that season's episode.

Lame right? I don't care, it was fun & plus it gave me something to watch while I was sick!

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