Thursday, November 29, 2007

*This is a sponsored post*

I don’t really suffer from much joint pain but I’ve had my moments. For one, when I was rollerblading one time I ran into a parked car (yes, that’s how clumsy I am). I had so much pain in my knee after that. I ended up getting a cortisone shot & wearing a knee brace when I was active for years.

Bad knees seem to be hereditary for me & I know so many young people now, in their teens and twenties, who end up needing knee surgery! I try to be careful because the last thing I want is to need a knee replacement!

When I did injure my knee I couldn't stand my doctor. I wish I could have gone to an orthopeadic doctor such as Dr. Allen Gustafson. He is board certified and specializes in knee replacement, among other things. Too bad he's in California, he has some great testimonials on his website!

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