Thursday, December 06, 2007

I love lists and schedules. I've loved them ever since I was a little kid. I can go through papers & old notebooks & find lists from years past. It might be a list of recipes that sound good, a schedule for the day, things I want to accomplish, things I want to save to get the idea.

One schedule that really stands out is from a time when I was nine-years-old. We were having some friends over for the day (I think we were watching them for their mom) & I planned out what we would do for "fun" & at what times and for how long. I think it went something like this:

10:00-10:45am Play outside
10:45-11:45am Play monopoly
11:45M-12:30pm Eat lunch
12:30-1:30pm Watch the Olympics (I distinctly remember actually having this on the list because it was during the summer Olympics which I LOVED to watch!)
And so on.

I sure sound like a lot of fun, right? What kind of kid makes a list of how & when to have fun? Thankfully I can say that I've progressed from the stage of obsessively planning my time but I do still find myself making, and getting very excited, about lists. I'll even make lists of stuff I've already done just so I can check off what I've accomplished. Somebody help me!

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