Sunday, June 08, 2008

Highlights from the past week:

On Monday Ray's dad chartered a boat so Ray went out fishing with his dad & grandfather. We now have a bunch of fresh trout ready to be prepared in our freezer!

Tuesday evening we took Addison down to the community pool. It wasn't busy at all but it's been so hot out that the water wasn't anywhere near refreshing - it was quite warm!

Wednesday night, after Bible study, we had our last pizza night with Jen & Gabe for awhile. Jen's due date was Thursday so we were at their house until after 11:30 eating & chatting. Now that all three girls are good eaters we downed the pizzas - only half a slice was left in the box!

The next morning at 8:30 Jen was at my house with Hannah & Abigail so that I could watch them while she went to her 40 week check-up. I was quite impressed that after such a late night for the kids the night before that Jen had her girls dressed all cute & fed breakfast. Addison didn't wake up until shortly before they arrived & ran around in her diaper the entire time!

Addison & Hannah took turns pushing each other around this little walker. Yep, Addison still has a thing for her nose.

While the girls were here I made Hannah this little purse which she loved - she even "showed" the cat when he came inside, too cute!

Abby sat on my lap & of course Addison couldn't have someone else sit on her mommy's lap without her so she joined us. I guess Hannah thought it was a good idea so she took a seat as well!

About thirty minutes after Jen picked up the girls my friend Paige (who I met because she works at the Starbucks I frequent) came over & we went out to lunch at Chilis. I deimonstrated to her how I can eat cheap most anywhere as I had a meal & my bill came to just $3.19! After lunch we went to Target/Starbucks & said "hi" to her co-workers & then she hung out at our house until about 5:30. It was such a nice time!

I was making the chocolate truffles earlier in the day & already had the ganache made & chilling in the refrigerator when I opened the fridge door & the entire tray fell out & crashed to the floor. So, no chocolate truffles. :( I did put out some chocolate covered espresso beans, I drizzled some chocolate on bananas, & I had already made the Pots de Creme (it was DELICIOUS!).

(The picture is awful but the flavor was fabulous!

Around 7 my Southern Living at home party began. Ray took Addison with him to his mom's while everyone was here. I totally forgot to take a picture of all of the food & chocolate. To go along with dessert I had olives, brie with french bread, and pesto/mozzarella/tomato sandwiches. One of the guests also brought some grapes for us. It was a very nice evening but Addison had another later bed time of 10:30 (but thankfully slept in the next morning).

Friday I was exhausted & spent the day recovering & not doing a whole lot. But Jen her baby! A healthy baby boy (who I think looks like her). Congratulations! :)

Yesterday evening we went to Rach & Con's to work on camp stuff & have a birthday dinner for James. It was so fun, I can't believe we leave for camp in less than two weeks!

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