Wednesday, June 04, 2008

With Addison the tornado in the house, the place always feels like such a mess. I was up early this morning picking up the little items but it's amazing how quickly she scatters things. I do have a mound of laundry to get done, a very messy kitchen (I've been baking a bit this week), filthy floors, and dirty bathrooms.

Before Ray left to get some work done he asked if he could take Addison with him & drop her off at his moms. Thank goodness she lives in the back of our neighborhood! Of course I'm not used to being here alone so in my mind I'm thinking that Addison must be sleeping so I want to be quiet so I don't wake her. (I'm all about her being able to sleep through noise but sometimes I just want those precious minutes to get things done!).

Tomorrow night I'm hosting a Southern Living at Home party for my mom's group. I have two favorite things when it comes to having people over: the food and the decorating. I don't need to decorate for tomorrow so that just leaves me with food planning. I'm keeping it very simple but the theme is "Chicks and Chocolate" so I need to come up with some good chocolate desserts. One of the gifts Rach gave me for Christmas is a calendar with a different chocolate recipe a month; I'm planning on making the chocolate truffles that were featured for May. They sound delicious!

If anyone is interested in ordering anything but not coming to the party you can e-mail me the info:

The link to the catalog is on this page for anyone who wants to take a peak!

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