Monday, June 16, 2008

Thank you to everyone for all of the congratulations! We're very excited & looking forward to a new baby in our family. :) I'm SO glad we finally announced the pregnancy.

We found out when I was just 3 weeks & 2 days pregnant (no, this wasn't a surprise & both Ray & I were anxious to test). The night before I tested I was sitting on the sofa famished even though I'd eaten just a bit earlier. At that point I knew I must be pregnant because the same thing happened when I was expecting Addison.

After testing the next morning & getting the faintest of positives I went to the grocery store & came home & began cooking meals & freezing them. I figured that if I got sick like I did the first time that there was no way I'd be able to cook & that we'd need stuff to eat.

I had the normal first trimester stuff: exhaustion, exhaustion, EXHAUSTION! made so much worse from chasing around a toddler learning to test the limits. I also had a lot of nausea but only threw up once this time! Thankfully, as the first trimester ended I began getting my energy back & I'm now cooking & eating normally again.

Before we were pregnant Ray & I agreed that we would keep it a secret until I started showing. He was really hoping that we'd be able to find out the gender & then tell. I'm glad I started getting a little belly earlier this time because I've been dying to tell people.

I'm 15 weeks as of yesterday & we finally told our families this weekend & announced it at church. I have to admit it was great fun keeping the secret (except for when I was really sick & couldn't tell anyone why I was acting differently) & seeing the shock on everyone's faces when they found out that not only am I pregnant but that I'm due in less than six months!

I did feel bad for my mom because she thought there was something truly wrong with me. She figured I was nutrionally deficient or something because I was so tired & had no interest in my usual activities; now she completely understands.

Today: 15 weeks and one day

I felt the first kicks last Thursday (a bonus of the second pregnancy, getting to feel those kicks so much earlier!) & we have our first prenatal appointment this Thursday.

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