Thursday, June 19, 2008

You may be able to judge from the lack of posting that it's been a busy week. There's been more going on lately than will comfortably fit into this post so some things will wait for now.

First, I need to post some pictures from Saturday. We drove to Orlando to visit with family & celebrate Father's Day/my birthday (which was yesterday). My brother Brett, his wife, Meghan, & their 7-month old son, Duncan, drove down from Kentucky. Megan & Matthew came over as well which made that the first time we ever had the ENTIRE family of parents/siblings/spouses/children together. Of course it had to be commemorated.

I didn't get a good picture of it, but I think this was Addison's first rejection. She kept trying to kiss Duncan & he'd push her away!

When planning this get together I'd forgotten that my birthday was a few days later; but, judging by the generosity of Target gift cards & coffee money, my family & friends didn't forget! Brett ever so elegantly wrapped my gift himself & even included a bow.

For my birthday dinner my mom made Carrabba's Chicken Bryan garlic mashed potatoes, & Darlene brought a salad. It was SO delicious!

Dad, Mark, Darlene, Keith, Mom, Ray, & Addison

Brett, Meghan, & Duncan

Megan & Matthew

For dessert, Megan & Mom made this to-die-for chocolate fudge cake. It's seriously the best you've ever had. Everyone sang "happy birthday" to me & they really each put their own spin on the song - it was awful! It was so bad that it was hilarious & probably the best birthday song I've had sung to me simply because they sounded so funny! I was dying laughing!

This is was after the song when I exclaimed, "That was the worst birthday song I've ever heard!"

It was such a great day & I had so much fun. Tuesday evening Ray's mom came over & watched Addison for us & Ray took me to dinner at Maggiano's, one of my favorite restaurants.

We had a hefty amount in gift certificates so we lived it up: stuffed mushrooms, ceasar salad, Rigatoni D, & chocolate turtle torte. Oh my! It was delicious & we had leftovers of everything but the salad!

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