Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Yesterday we went on a field trip to tour Brusters Ice Cream with my moms group. It was a small turnout, which I can't figure out because this is one of the best outings we've had! Brusters is a walk-up ice cream shop so you don't usually get to go inside.

Inside the store were rows & rows of freezers with ice cream. They showed us how to make waffle cones, they showed us how to make ice cream, & then they let us walk around all of the freezers & take as many ice cream samples as we wanted. I think the moms had as much, if not more, fun than the kids!

Addison was right there for the action!

All of the kids got a huge scoop of ice cream with as many topping as they wanted for $2.50! We got cake batter with mini reeses pieces, sprinkles, hot fudge, & whipped cream. Addison had a few bites but she's not used to sweets & kept asking for her water. Of course I couldn't let all of that ice cream go to waste.

She was still thoroughly messy when all was said & done!

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