Monday, October 06, 2008

So, Erin's little baby, Claire, is a week old now & I still haven't seen her! I was supposed to go visit last week but Addison picked up a cold that's going around & then Ray got it & I didn't want to chance that I would get it & then give it to the baby. As soon as Addison started getting sick I began taking large amounts of emergen-c & was ble to avoid picking up the bug. So, thankfully today I'll finally be able to see the new addition!

On Saturday there was a free Fall Festival close to our house so the three of us went for a little while. It wasn't anything fabulous but it was still nice, I ended up with a free chair massage while I was there (not long enough!) & Little Chefs let the kids decorate cookies & help make pasta.

Addison didn't care about decorating the cookie, just eating it!

I loved these little pumpkins in one of the other shops (a tea room run by two ladies Ray used to work with in real estate).

Addison was thoroughly worn out & quickly fell asleep in the car - I love how her little lips are crooked in this picture!

Sunday we rushed home from church so I could go to a baby shower. This one was for one of the girls who used to work at Starbucks - she's due with her third baby, a boy, less than a month before me!

The woman hosting the shower, Twyla (another Starbucks friend), made the cake & this diaper cake. She did such a nice job on the food & decorations! I told her the cake looked like a Tiffany's box. It tasted great, too!

By last night the mess around the house was really getting to me so this morning, before Addison got up, I:

-Did two loads of laundry
-Cleaned the kitchen sink
-Washed the dishes
-Ran the dishwasher
-Sanitized the counter tops
-Swept & mopped the kitchen floor

Of course, now I'm hoping Addison takes a decent nap today so I'll have a little time to rest. For whatever reason she had me up with her from 1:30-3 last night so I would've enjoyed a little sleeping in this morning but I needed a clean house more than sleep today. :)

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