We spent most of the time talking about birthing again. She had Claire at the same birth center (& in the same tub) where I had Addison so it's been so fun having someone to talk to who's shared that experience. Erin loved the birth just like I loved it so now we've had even more to talk about! It's also spurred on my excitement about having this baby. (No, we still don't have a name yet. Really, don't hold your breath on this one, you know we're terrible at the name part)
Ray had errands to run before toastmasters yesterday so he left a lot earlier than usual. I had a new piano student yesterday (who showed up almost 30 minutes early!) & the family seems really nice. The girl is only 4 so I hope she does okay because I'm desperate for more students.
On Friday afternoons I teach all three kids from one family (separate lessons of course) so they're with me for an hour & a half. Last week I received a call from the mom after the lesson was supposed to start saying she was running late & had to leave early - but she still wanted me to fit the lessons in! It was not the easiest thing to do, it felt like crazy speed teaching, but I got all of the lessons done in about 40 minutes AND still was paid for 1.5 hours!!!
Last night I just spent a couple of hours crafting while watching some new shows & waiting for Ray to get home. It was nice to be able to do that without feeling like I needed to be getting other things done since I'd cleaned so much in the morning!
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