Yesterday was so nice getting to visit with Erin & her little baby. After spending so much time around a toddler it's easy to forget how tiny babies are when they're first born! And, Erin looks great!
We spent most of the time talking about birthing again. She had Claire at the same birth center (& in the same tub) where I had Addison so it's been so fun having someone to talk to who's shared that experience. Erin loved the birth just like I loved it so now we've had even more to talk about! It's also spurred on my excitement about having this baby. (No, we still don't have a name yet. Really, don't hold your breath on this one, you know we're terrible at the name part)
Ray had errands to run before toastmasters yesterday so he left a lot earlier than usual. I had a new piano student yesterday (who showed up almost 30 minutes early!) & the family seems really nice. The girl is only 4 so I hope she does okay because I'm desperate for more students.
On Friday afternoons I teach all three kids from one family (separate lessons of course) so they're with me for an hour & a half. Last week I received a call from the mom after the lesson was supposed to start saying she was running late & had to leave early - but she still wanted me to fit the lessons in! It was not the easiest thing to do, it felt like crazy speed teaching, but I got all of the lessons done in about 40 minutes AND still was paid for 1.5 hours!!!
Last night I just spent a couple of hours crafting while watching some new shows & waiting for Ray to get home. It was nice to be able to do that without feeling like I needed to be getting other things done since I'd cleaned so much in the morning!
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