Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Today is turning out to be beautiful & it actually feels like November! It's very overcast & its nice & cool outside - I have the house open & it feels fantastic!

I made pumpkin bread this morning (yum!) & now my coffee is brewing (of course I got my free cup at Starbucks today, too!). My house is really quite clean now. I was even up ironing (my dreaded task) until 11:30 last night so I feel like I can actually take some time to do...nothing. I have a bunch of stuff to put on etsy but it's too overcast for photos today.

Ray's out for a job interview & Addison is in bed so I took some time to read a bit of my Bradley Book. Can you believe I'm due 4 weeks from tomorrow?!? I can't! I dare say that I feel a bit more apprehensive about this baby coming than I did about Addison. I really think it's because the time has gone by so quickly that I haven't prepared for labor like I did last time.

We were pretty good last pregnancy about practicing relaxation, breathing, etc. & this time...nothing. I know if we don't get on the ball I'll kick myself when the time comes because I really think that, besides the peaceful & calm environment, one of the biggest things to my birth going so well was the fact that we had practiced & were prepared. It makes ALL the difference for an easier labor.

Hopefully, I can pull Ray away from the election coverage long enough tonight so taht we can start working on this relaxation together. For now, I'm off to enjoy some more of this Autumn weather!

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