Monday, November 03, 2008

Well, any plans for the weekend went out the window as Addison & I both ended up being sick on Saturday. I think it was just colds - sore throats, stuffy nose - but I'm extremely anti-spreading-the-germs so we pretty much stayed home.

Thankfully, I didn't feel too awful, but I was dragging a bit so I rested most of the days. Sunday especially. And, amazingly, I got a lot accomplished! One bonus to sitting & laying down so much is that I finally went a day without my lower back hurting. Its been giving me excruciating pain for months now, apparently its because of the way the baby is laying, but its simply awful.

I also did a lot of little minute tasks that had added up: wiping down the outside of the microwave, cleaning the washer & dryer (yes, mom, they're not dusty anymore!), sorting through Addison's old clothes & washing them for the baby, & really cleaning out my room.

I'm feeling so much better this morning & naturally woke up a little before six, I suppose due to the time change.

OH! I did make it back to the new mall Friday morning to get my $20 gift certificate. They were having problems, though, & the cards aren't usable until Wednesday - so they upped them to $30!!! I'm still kicking myself that I forgot Macy's was giving away $15-$500 gift cards to the first 150 people in their door - I was there 20 minutes before they opened, there were maybe 50 people in line, & I forgot!!! The next day Amy went & she got $150! The girl in front of her got $500! I could SO use that right now.

I didn't get any pictures over the weekend, so I'll leave you with this one of Addison from last week.

She found her swim diaper & sun hat & kept bringing them to me so she could wear them. She even slept in the swim diaper one day!

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