Wednesday, January 07, 2009

I'm very pleased that Kate is doing well at taking a bottle! I'm trying to pump once a day so that she'll get used to one - I'd very much like to be able to leave Kate with someone else & not worry that she won't eat.

Addison was very eager & willing to help Kate with her first bottle

I hope Kate continues to take a bottle well because Addison was never great with one. For Addison, taking a bottle would be like Carrie Bradshaw buying knock-off Jimmy Choos - it wasn't going to happen.

While Addison never took to a bottle, I'm happy to report she's doing very well in her big girl bed! I finally moved her in there Sunday night; she kept getting out but finally fell asleep. The first two nights she woke up & we moved her to her crib for the rest of the night but last night was successful! Once this is established I'm going to start on potty training.

Here's Addison channeling her inner 1950's housewife - she was pushing around her pretend vacuum while wearing her dress-up heels! (thank you, Renee!)

We also shipped Addison off to her grandmas for a few hours yesterday evening & Ray, Kate, & I went & enjoyed ourselves at Barnes & Noble! I can't tell you how excited I was, we hadn't done that in well over a year. It was very cold in B&N & kate started to get a little fussy so I went out & walked around (the Barnes & Noble is located at the new outdoor mall). It's SO nice to have this place just two miles from our house! And it wasn't busy at all, unlike when we went last week. Pottery Barn was much niced without the huge crowds!

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