Monday, January 05, 2009

Kate is one-month-old today. It truly blows my mind that it's been one month already, it really seems impossible. We were incredibly busy this past month, could that have something to do with the quickness?

Things are still going really well. Kate is a cuddler just like I was hoping. I wasn't hoping that this was the only way she'd be happy, though. I really hadn't counted on that. Don't get me wrong, she does okay when I put her down, but it usually doesn't take long for the fussing to begin to be held again.

Kate did sleep for a 7.5 hour stretch about two weeks ago! I was amazed & naturally pleased. She hasn't done it since but I'm still feeling very well rested. I think she wakes, on average, about twice a night & she goes to bed around 8.

In the past week I can tell that Kate doesn't seem to be sleeping as much. She's so alert, too. I just love how she turns towards me when she hears my voice. I especially love when I'm holding her & she leans her head back to look at me!

I don't think I ever mentioned on here that when Kate was born & I pulled her out of the water & up to my chest she had her eyes open & was immediately looking up at my face. That was such a special experience for me.

As far as physical features, Kate has deep blue eyes, super long fingers & toes, & still has lots of dark, almost black, hair! I haven't really noticed it falling out yet, but I do think it's thinning on the sides from laying her head down while sleeping.

I'm really hoping she keeps the blue eyes! Addison's have turned to more of a not-quite-brown color - they actually almost seem to change! They were blue for awhile so I'll be interested to see what happens with Kate's.

At an appointment this morning Kate weighed 9lbs. 11oz. I'm sure the midwife had her weight wrong - I really don't think she's gained 2.5 lbs. in one month! She has grown half an inch, that I totally believe.

I also finally pulled out the pump & was sterilizing bottles today. I do believe we'll try one tonight, let's hope she's more agreeable to a bottle than Addison!

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