Sunday, February 08, 2009

Yesterday morning we had a garage sale - Ray's mom came over to help me out & I made over $80!!! I plan to use it for a little home improvement. Okay, maybe some coffee, too.

Last night we went up to Ray's dad's in Dade City. It really feels like another world up there, it's amazing how "country" you can feel just driving a few miles north.

Katherine (ray's step-mom) made a delicious dinner & the pulled out her banjo. A family friend, Wayne, played for a bit & Addison had a lot of fun dancing!

Katherine tuning her banjo

We headed next door to their property where Ray's dad had a campfire going for us. Katherine also brought her homemade lemon cielo for us to try!

I say the lemon cielo is delicious!

We also roasted marshmallows. There's nothing quite like gooey sugar. The weather wasn't too bad but it definitely started getting chilly (hence the unflattering layers!).

I'm very happy to report that we're warming up again this week with our highs in the mid-high seventies. And, no more hard freeze warnings at night! I'm so not into the cold weather. The only thing I really like about it are the adorable coats you get to wear!

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