Friday, March 20, 2009

If you follow me on facebook or twitter (& who isn't on at least one of those these days?) then you already know this, but...


I think I may be conveying more excitement than I actually feel. I actually feel a little guilty that I don't feel more excited about this opportunity. I mean, in this economy it's amazing to be able to fine a job, I'm just a bit nervous about it. Once we get to the actual working part I think it will be fine, but the training makes me a little anxious. Mostly just because Ray & I will both be leaving 5 nights a week for 7 weeks straight. Thankfully, his mom has offered to come to our house & watch the girls the entire time! How amazing is that?!?

I'm still a little shocked that Ray & I BOTH got the job. Out of 1,000 applicants & less than 45 job slots & he & I both managed to get in. That helps a bit with the anxiousness because with those odds stacked against us & us both getting the job I know it must be the Lord's will.

So, we go for the first bit next Thursday & after that we'll be gone every week night starting the following Monday!

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