Friday, February 19, 2010


I finally got to meet the adorable little man, Adam! He was sleeping soundly when I arrived & he's such a perfect looking newborn. Not that I have any bias or anything. :)

(I felt bad blinding him with the flash over & over so some are a bit dark & blurry)

He wasn't the happiest when I was holding him, but I'm going to tell myself it was just because he was still hungry & not because he doesn't like me!

Rach looked great last night too, very put together! Unfortunately, I didn't get any pictures of her. I'm never sure if new moms feel up to pictures - I think we got so busy talking that I didn't think to ask! Bummer, cause I would've liked to have one.

I was so thrilled to meet Adam but I have to say I really enjoyed getting to chat with Rach. Ray was at home working so I put the kids to bed & prayed that they'd stay there while I went to visit by myself! Ruthie was in bed while I was there, too, so we were able to have an adult conversation without constant kid interruption! It was very good for my spirit.


Unknown said...

so cute, love his little chubby cheeks.

Jessica said...

I know! He is really adorable.


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