Tuesday, February 23, 2010

All my bags are packed I'm ready to go...

(Now that song will be stuck in your head ALL DAY!)

Actually, amazingly, our bags are packed. Quite a feat for me to have that accomplished in a timely manner. Usually I'm rushing around here grabbing last minute items here or there but I'm almost positive I've remember everything this time. Not that we're going for long but it's the little things, you know? Like bathing suits (I almost forgot to pack them!)

I finish work at 4 today & I'm really hoping that we can leave right away so that we can avoid a little bit of rush hour traffic. It's looking more & more like Ray's going to get stuck with some work for one of his other jobs though which will put off our departure time for a bit.

In all honesty, while I'm looking forward to getting away, if we'd been able to cancel over the past few days I would've been tempted. However, if we were to cancel we'd be charged $100 & we can't do that. I DO want to go, things here just need taken care of as well, things that weren't necessarily foreseen when I made this reservation awhile back!

I'm not sure about updating while we're away as the hotel we're going to charges for Internet. But, Ray did spring it on me that he's going to have to work one if his other jobs while we're away, which means he'll need the Internet.

So, chances are I will update a bit while we're away, but I won't be glued to facebook like I am while I'm working!

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