Monday, February 22, 2010

My catch-up hours for last week are now complete but we're doing it again this week! Tomorrow afternoon we're leaving for a free stay at a Disney hotel until Friday morning! I'm so looking forward to getting away for a little bit, Im just not looking forward to making up the work hours this weekend. :)

While I was working on Saturday Ray took Addison to some event they were having at the Ray's baseball stadium. His dad is a season ticket holder so he was able to get in for free. His dad couldn't go so Katherine, Ray's step-mom, took he & Addison. Addison's two favorite things (after getting over the huge crowd) was running the bases and...meeting the cheerleaders. Ray said that for whatever reason she loved the cheerleaders & wanted her picture taken with them

Saturday evening we spent with some friends from church, Robert & Briana. They'd invited quite a few of us to dinner, but due to illness & such we were the only ones who were able to make it. It was a lot of fun though & dinner was so delicious! Briana made a white chicken lasagna. It was even nice enough to eat outside. (But, hey, that's one reason we live in Florida, right? To eat outside in February!)

Our girls were WOUND UP, too! It was their third day in a row without really having a nap & it was showing. They became quite hyper & then started to meltdown. I wouldn't be surprised if it was enough to make our hosts rethink having more kids!

Yesterday after church was our annual International potluck. I still have to get in my hours this week, but I scheduled myself just late enough so that we could stay for the meal. I mlove when we have our International potlucks, there's such a variety!

1 comment :

Tricia said...

Addison looks so happy, what a fun day for her!


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