Friday, February 26, 2010

All my bags are UNpacked

We made it home safe & sound this morning - do you know how nice it is to go on vacation & only have to drive an hour to get home? I'm working my 6-hour shift right now but it's going by very quickly, maybe it's because I've had a couple of days off!

When we did arrive home this morning I got straight to work on the kitchen & in the first thirty minutes I was putting away dishes & scrubbing down the sink. I also started putting away my winter decorations & putting out my Springtime decor. I so liked the decorations I had out last year that I'm doing pretty much the same this year! It's very rare for me not to change things up, I always feel like I'm "cheating" if I use the same decorations in the same way more than one year in a row.

Anyway, our little getaway was very nice & one of my favorite parts was the beginning when the girls stayed at my parents for the first night. Even though we couldn't do anything until around noon the next day because Ray had to work, it was so nice just to be. I took time putting on my make-up & doing my hair without any little hands grabbing at me!

We walked Downtown Disney a little looking for someplace to eat lunch because I was STARVING. Plus, it was close because our hotel was right across the street. I didn't find a restaurant I wanted, but I did see these amazing ice cream concoctions at Ghiradelli. Remember, it's okay to eat dessert first.

After dessert we drove & drove looking for someplace to satisfy our unknown cravings. We eventually found a Maggiano's on I-Drive - we both LOVE the Rigatoni D there! I also requested a booth and we were seated in the middle of the room overlooking everybody. It was after 2:00 so it wasn't too busy. I just love the atmosphere at the restaurant & the music playing - it feels like you're in an old movie!

After that we went to Bass Pro Shop. Yes, you caught me, it's one of my favorite places. Okay, not really. But, Ray loves it & he kept telling me that he didn't really have anything specific to look at, he just wanted to look around. I tried to explain to him THAT'S how I feel about going to Target.

I was honestly amazed that there is a store so big full of so many products that I had no idea even existed or for which there is even a use! If you don't already know me then you should be able to tell by now that I'm most definitely not an outdoorsy kind of girl. But, even though I'm not outdoorsy, doesn't everyone need a "Bobble Buck" with "Awesome lifelike action!"??

After I put in my time at Bass Pro Shop we went to the outlets! I need to make sure to go back when I'm not pregnant because while it is a money-saver, it's not much fun shopping at stores where none of the clothes will fit you for quite a few months.

After the outlets it was back to my parents to pick up the girls!

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