Monday, March 01, 2010

We interrupt normal posting for a special announcement


Yesterday while I was visiting with my mom & a new friend (more on that later) Ray went out with his mom to look at vans but when I spoke to him in the afternoon he said he hadn't made a decision yet & that he'd have to go back out. Fast forward to a few hours later & he's getting home from church, but there's a van in the driveway!!!

As we planned it's used but has less than 50,000 miles on it. We did buy it from a dealer but we're taking it to a different dealer today so that they can perform their inspection process on the vehicle. If it doesn't pass then Ray put a contingency in our contract that we can take the van back. I so hope it passes.

Even more than being stuck at home, the worst part about not having our own vehicle was needing to borrow one or get rides from others. We have such generous family & friends who were more than willing to help, but I hated being in that position of putting people out all of the time. As I told my family yesterday, I felt like such a loser not having a vehicle. It would be one thing to be down to one vehicle but to not have any for two months, two weeks and two days just felt ridiculous. However, due to financial limitations the situation was what it was; there was nothing to do but wait on the Lord to provide the right vehicle in our price range.

I can't tell you how thankful & excited I am to finally have something! I do hope it checks out today, I'll be so bummed if we have to take it back & start the search again!

1 comment :

Nonnie said...

Congratulations! We got a van last summer, and it was one of our very best purchases!!


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