Monday, February 15, 2010


Today, February 15th, is my parents 29th wedding anniversary! I can't believe they've been married for 29 years (I don't think they can believe it either!). Happy Anniversary!

Today also marks the 10 year anniversary when my life had a definitive change. 10 years ago today I was sitting at home on the computer when an instant message came through from some guy. Some guy I'd never met but who said he knew my friend who gave him my screen name. Some guy who thought I was a different Jessica. I figured "some guy" knew enough of my mutual friends that it was okay to chat with him - we chatted & he ended up late for class.

It wasn't until the following month, March 18, that we actually met in person at the Camp Horizon college & career retreat. He started showing up around my house (you know, just a mere 1.5 hours away from where he lived!) a lot after that.

One of our first pictures together, April 2000

February 2010


amy said...

Happy Anniversary!

EUPD said...

I should have run him off the first time I met him. ;)


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