Saturday, February 20, 2010

Little bits of randomness

Actually, all of the little bits of randomness aren't really coming to mind right now, but they were yesterday when I wasn't blogging!

Playing earlier this week meant "paying" for it at the end of the week & racking up most of my work hours. Ray was going to work at his grandmothers house (they've been doing things like tiling, installing electrical, moving walls, hanging drywall...manly kind of stuff, you know?) so he took the girls with him the past couple of days while I was working. They had a lot of fun playing in the backyard with their grandmas & cousin but I've kind of missed them! I've seen them for about an hour at the end of each day to feed & bathe them & put them to bed.

Yesterday I started getting a migraine while working in the morning. I tried everything I could think of to get rid of it - painkillers, hydrating, ice pack, caffeine, how shower, homeopathy & I even snuck in a nap! (that was one nice thing about the girls being with Ray - my work breaks were for taking care of me instead of tending to everyone else!) It took about 12 hours but it finally (mostly) went away, especially after Ray got home & was able to give me a massage.

It was so bad that I had to call out for my last hour of work, but I did still manage to teach three piano lessons. I did not make it to youth group with the girls, though. I still wasn't feeling well & they were exhausted from not really napping & playing outside all day.

Yesterday I also sold our Aquarium baby swing on craigslist! I know, you think we're crazy getting rid of it with a baby coming, right? We just never pulled it out of the attic with Kate & it was taking up so much space & it was nice to get some money for it! Now that we don't have the swing I can just see us having a baby who will *need* the swing.

In preparation of my visit to see little Adam on Thursday I made up a basket of baked goodies for the family. Carrot muffins, scones, chocolate cookies and hummus! Financial limitations bring about more of my creative side; that's what I believe, anyway! I also couldn't resist making a little monogrammed onesie for Adam. I hope the font isn't too girly-looking. I mean, I like it & I couldn't bring myself to just to a standard Times New Roman or Arial font, you know? What do you think?

Also, last night after I put the girls to bed & Ray was still at youth group, I settled in at the computer to catch up on some shows. After awhile the door opened & a sleepy looking Addison walked in looking like this:

Do you see that bathing suit on over her pajamas? Addison LOVES wearing bathing suits, & sometimes likes to put on two at once & wear them around the house all day. She took the bathing suit to bed with her & must've put it on after I left. Funny girl!


Amy said...

Super sweet swimmers Addison! I don't think the font is girly, Jessica, and the colours make it definitely a boy's outfit.

Tricia said...

I love the shirt you made!

Anonymous said...

It is useful to try everything in practice anyway and I like that here it's always possible to find something new. :)

amy said...

do i recognize those jammies ;) i miss them. my grandma bought them for Jess. they've really made the rounds!

Jessica said...


Yes, Amy, Addison LOVES those! They are her favorite of the week. She lays them both out before she puts them on & then tells us how pretty & cute they are. :)


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