Thursday, March 04, 2010

The 24th week

Seriously, how can I be this far into the pregnancy already??? Things I've noticed this week:

-The little boy is big enough that I can feel him poking while I'm walking around instead of just getting little jabs

-I'm big enough now that I'm starting to have a bit of uncomfortableness when trying to roll over when I'm sleeping (i.e., I must wake-up to roll over)

-I'm SO tired this week. I've had such great energy & this week I've just crashed. I think part of it can be attributed to having plans for every time I'm not working. Sunday afternoon my mom & Monica were here, Monday was my 13-hour workday, Tuesday morning before work I went out with Briana, & Wednesday & today I ran errands after work (because I finally can!). Other than errands & normal household duties (& work, 33.5 hours down this week, 1.5 hours left!) I've only managed to clean out the laundry room & the refrigerator.

24 weeks, 5 days

I need to post comparison photos from my pregnancy with Kate because I feel like the belly is smaller this time (so far)!

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