Wednesday, March 03, 2010


When we arrived home from church on Sunday my mom & Monica were already here waiting. Monica is a blog friend turned in-real-life friend; she started reading my moms blog, lives just minutes from the town my dad grew up in & she & my mom have started to hang out when my mom goes up north. So, she made her first trip down to florida to visit us! I was very excited to finally meet her!

We had lunch at home & then went for some shopping at the mall. Monica is so cute & can totally pull off these headbands. Addison was quite taken with her, too.

We also let Addison throw some pennies into the fountain. She doesn't know how to ration-I gave her three pennies & she threw them all in at once!

After our shopping excursion we went back home where we sat around chatting & drinking coffee until they had to leave.

Since Monica's visit had been planned for awhile that's why I wasn't able to go van hunting with Ray. When I talked to him in the afternoon Ray played it off that we still had to look for a vehicle and that he'd be going out again the next day. That's why he was able to surprise me when he pulled in with the van after church that night!

I can't tell you how nice it is to be able to run errands again & have the freedom to go places! It's funny because it doesn't have big upgrades like a GPS or rear-camera or even the automatic doors but I really don't care. I'm happy to have a vehicle that has windshield wipers, windows that don't fall down, two headlights, a roof that doesn't leak & a trunk that's not leaking & moldy so that I can load it with groceries! I'm pretty sure there are no roaches in this vehicle, either. :)


amy said...

so happy for you! my car doesn't have big upgrades, either. but i still miss it! i keep saying i promise i'll never hurt it again! i'm hoping to have it back next friday!

Unknown said...

im totally making some of those headbands!


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