I do think it was a bit of a better different, although, if possible, a bit more exhausting. Ray was full-time AT THE OFFICE for his other job for the first time this week. That means my work hours are squeezed into the times when Ray is home and/or the girls are sleeping. So, Mondays through Wednesdays I work 7-9am; Monday through Friday I work 1-2p while the girls are napping (Addison doesn't always need a nap but, praise the Lord, it worked out well this week!); Mondays & Tuesdays I work 6pm-midnight.
The part I absolutely love about this is that I'm with the girls everyday for the majority of the time while they're up. I loved that! I was much more tired, though, as whenever the girls were sleeping I was working. I didn't really think about that part when making the new schedule; I also didn't really think about what finishing work at midnight & working again 7 hours later might do to me (again, with no rest during nap time since I work then).
For some reason I haven't been able to turn "off" like I normally do after working the night shift so I haven't been falling asleep until around 1am. If I can just figure out how to get more rest this should work out fine.
The best part really has been spending more time with the girls and doing "mom" things. It seems like that's kind of the point of a work-at-home job anyway so I'm glad to be taking advantage of it. We've had multiple days at the park this week, play dates, school time & shopping trips to places other than Target! My kitchen has also stayed clean for multiple days in a row - dishes, floors, counters - it's a miracle!

Monday & Tuesday Ray takes the van to work but Wednesday & Thursday I took him to the office. I'll admit it's a bit cumbersome taking the extra time out of our day (especially with some last minute schedule changes he had) but it's definitely worth it to have the van & freedom to go out!
Anyway, it's been a good week. Unfortunately, the camera was left in the office for most of the week so I haven't been taking as many pictures as usual. I'm really bummed I forgot to bring it to youth group tonight. Actually, I remembered to put it in my purse but then left my purse at home! It was excellent this evening - a HUGE turnout of kids & I made stove-top popcorn for the snack. Excellent!
Hope that you get more rest this week!
I have a LOT of trouble turning "off" when I get off work as well. It has been very difficult to get acclimated to my work-at-home lifestyle! But I think the benefits definitely outweigh any hardships since we are there for all those fun "mom" moments!!
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