Friday, March 05, 2010

Tonight I feel compelled to blog because I've blogged everyday so far this month. I don't feel like getting up for the camera cord so I won't share pictures with you from today.

Instead, I'll tell you about one of Addison's latest obsessions, Shirley Temple. While Caroline was here she bought Addison a copy of Curly Top. Addison is hooked & would probably watch it everyday if I let her. She's started saying "Oh my goodness" & putting inflections in her speech that are similar to Shirley Temples'. Addison also decided to call me "Mary," Shirley Temples' older sisters' name in the movie.

Last Saturday I caught Addison standing on a kitchen chair. When I told her to sit down so she wouldn't get hurt she asked me, "Only Shirley Temple is allowed to stand on her chair & sing?"

1 comment :

Caroline said...

Hahaha I love that!


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