(I really did start writing this on Saturday, I'm only just now getting around to posting it on Tuesday, though!)
It's just been me & Kate in the house since Thursday. Ray left in the morning for his yearly camping trip with his Sunday School class (this is the 4th or 5th year in a row now!) & my dad came to pick up Addison & take her to spend a couple days over in Orlando. Once Ray gets home today we'll be driving over to Orlando as well to spend Easter there tomorrow.
I had grand dreams of getting a LOT done, especially a lot of cleaning. Our dreams rarely come to fruition, do they? (does that sound too pessimistic?)
Granted, I was able to get more done with just Kate around. I also really enjoyed all of the one-on-one time with her. As funny as it may sound, I feel like I really got to know her better with it being just the two of us & it was great! By last night I was missing having the family together but I so enjoyed the down time.
With just Kate around there was more attention to be given to her & a lot less disciplining going on. Things were just much calmer. It was also very nice because Kate is just a little less mobile than Addison; she can't get out of bed on her own (she's still in a crib), she can't get down from the table by herself (highchair) and going to the bathroom isn't a big production, just a quick diaper change.
So, besides reading & play times & walking to the park we also ran a lot of errands. Some more necessary than others. Yesterday we made a quick visit to Rachs' before heading over to IKEA. I needed a new table lamp as Ray accidentally sent ours to its final resting place (I was SO glad about that - I never liked the lamp to begin with, it was a compromise when we first got married). After IKEA we had an appointment at 1:00 & then I had to be home for piano at 3. By the time Kate went to bed I was too exhausted to work on any more sewing & just sat on the sofa catching up on Chuck. (Oh, I also made some delicious home made kettle corn!)
In fact, I didn't come close to finishing their Easter dresses. I spent all of Thursday night cutting out patterns & resizing patterns so that it could be in Kate's size, too. Just a few hours before Ray was to get home on Saturday my family room still looked like this:
I was able to get little cleaning projects done. Moving furniture & deep cleaning the living room, cleaning the microwave. taking apart & cleaning the high chair...you know, exciting stuff like that. Even if it's not exciting, it makes me feel SO good getting things put together at the house!
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