Saturday, April 10, 2010

Yes, I've totally slacked off on blogging this week. I think this is partly due to the fact that I haven't taken many photos & I much prefer a blog post with a picture or two!

Honestly, the days fly by that I sometimes have a difficult time recalling what I even did this past week. I do know that after arriving home on Monday I didn't leave the house again until Thursday! This was mostly due to the fact that Ray took the van to work (& at the beginning of the week I work before he leaves & after he gets home) & on Wednesday went straight from work to church.

Thursday I had to drop him off as I had another very uneventful (thank the Lord!) prenatal appointment. The midwife, Andrea, is so great with my kids in the room. She had Addison standing on a special chair next to her & let Addison put the gel on the doppler & hold onto the doppler while we found the heartbeat - Andrea did all this while also holding Kate so she could see everything, too!

I've also been on a deep cleaning streak lately (early nesting?) & this week I've been cleaning all of the windows in our house. I also magic erasered my kitchen counter tops. Whoever thought it was a good idea to install white formica counters was highly mistaken. I'm rather convinced it's never a good idea, especially in an area that gets as much use as the kitchen. My goal was just to tackle the stains. So I scrubbed away at some stains & when I looked back I saw a rather noticeable difference in the color of the countertop where I had used the magic eraser. Apparently over the course of time my counters have taken on a grey hue (yuck!); this meant that I began to magic eraser ALL of the countertops in my kitchen, then wipe them down & then disinfect. By the time I finished it was 10:30pm.

This did mean that I had very clean counters when some of my mommy friends came over the next morning! They arrived before Ray left to work which means that Ray discovered one of the things we do very well when we're all together is cook & eat amazingly delicious food. It's amazing that I have so many friends who can cook so well from scratch!

Today was spent at church for the Central Florida Bible Conference which was being hosted by our assembly. I was the nursery organizer & all seemed to go well in that area - I think it helped that we really didn't have many extra kids than normal. I split the day into four segments so that we could rotate helpers. I tried to go into some of the meeting but had to retreat because of my fragrance allergy; Six hours is a long time to spend in that little nursery! I'm so very glad there were other ladies in there to chat with during that time.

So, we're finally home for the evening & I laid down in bed "just to rest" & started dozing off around 8pm! I'm thinking an early bedtime would be very beneficial tonight.

1 comment :

Mark Cowperthwaite said...

Glad you were there to help make the conference so much easier for the moms and the little ones. Sounds like we will be back in the fall (still hot for us, lol) and will see you all then.


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