Sunday, May 23, 2010

It had been awhile since I'd seen my parents and, quite frankly, most of the visits we've had over the past six-months have not been the most enjoyable. It seems that each time someone has been sick or the girls are acting up so much that we can't enjoy ourselves. Plus, my mom's allergies were killer so she wasn't feeling well for visiting, either.

I so wanted to see them so at the last minute we decided for them to come over last Thursday. We were all well (although by that evening my dad was sick, go figure!) & I had put my new vacuum to use.

Remember the water vacuum I bought at a garage sale for $10 last month? The reason I was really excited about it is because my mom's allergies to our cat were getting worse & acting up when she'd come to our house making it difficult for her to visit - she couldn't even stay the night anymore. Ray doesn't buy my idea of getting rid of the cat (yet) but I knew a water vacuum would really help keeping things cleaner since it would keep everything from just blowing back into the air.

And, I was right! My mom did so well at my house this time & they were even able to stay the night! That was a fun surprise (& it is a very good thing considering I'm probably going to want my mom's help for awhile after the baby gets here!).

Before my dad started feeling real bad he drank a five-hour energy & watched the girls for us so that my mom & I could go out alone for awhile. We went to Target where she bought me a coffee & I sat & cried to her for a few minutes (because that seems to be my new "thing" for these last few weeks of pregnancy - crying most everyday for no real reason) & then we grocery shopped. The prices are so much better over here than where she lives that my mom does a lot of her grocery shopping when she's over here.

For dinner that night my dad made his fabulous pasta (of which I ate TWO bowls!) and we watched the Grey's finale. Before they left Friday we had to make one more stop at Target, this time as a treat for the girls - they don't like to be left out of shopping trips!

2 comments : said...

Oh, I've been craving the pasta that dad makes!

Also, when mom told me someone gave you a magic bullet I totally thought she was telling me you'd been given a vibrator.

Anonymous said...

She could use a vibrator right now. Needs an orgasm.


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