My belly button is starting to pop out a tiny bit - that's never happened to me when I was pregnant before!
I went to the chiropractor today. I'm so thankful I was able to go, but there's only one guy in my entire area who takes this insurance & it was like fast food chiropractic. In the 25 minutes I was in the waiting room filling out paperwork he saw about 3-4 patients! I was rather unimpressed with the two-minutes he spent with me, I'm not keen on doctors who make it so obvious that they're only in it for the money. However, because it was covered by insurance I won't complain. I would've been upset if I'd had to pay for the Mcvisit, though!
The excitement at the end of my last prenatal appointment was scheduling all of my final visits! It's almost surreal seeing it all written down knowing that at the end of those dates you'll have a new little baby (give or take a few days). I remember when I was pregnant with Addison that I was actually in labor at the birth center during the time for which we'd scheduled my final appointment.
I've also been compiling a "to do" list to finish before the baby arrives. Most of it is not pertinent to the baby arriving (except the gathering of birth supplies!) but it's mostly stuff I've been meaning to get done and I'd really like to have it all taken care of before he gets here. The last thing I want is a bunch of little "to do" items that I want to take care of while also caring for a new born.
Tomorrow marks my 37-week prenatal appointment - yep, this is on the forefront of my mind right now so you get to read about the pregnancy a lot now! He's feeling quite low lately & I feel I'm starting to get a bit of a waddle to my walk.
Today I was resting in my bed with Addison (I was up a LOT last night with awful allergies) & as I was dozing in & out Addison crawled down to my belly & started talking to it.
"Hi, Joseph. How are you Joesph? Are you cooking in there? No? You're not cooking?"
And then my belly got a nice little kiss. :)
For the record, we're not naming the baby Joseph. The story of Joseph just happens to be Addison's favorite Bible story right now so she would like to name the baby Joseph!
Oh, as far as the "cooking" part, sometimes Addison will ask us what the baby is doing & we'll tell her he's "baking," as in growing. She keeps asking for him to come out now!
Oh, the last weeks and days!!! Very exiting!!!
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Aww! I like Joseph! :)
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