Sunday, June 06, 2010

Gabriel's Birthday

Yesterday we went to Gabriel's second birthday party.

How cute is he???

It was a fun pool party at Jen's parents house, with a delicious cookout & cake from Coldstone Creamery. Yum!

Hannah, Addison & Abby enjoying some of the cake - chocolate frosting, chocolate cake & chocolate ice cream!

I also got to visit with Jaime for the first time since Abby's birthday party last November! (I was all wet from holding Kate out of the pool)

I talked Ray into calling out of a bit of his work time so that he could come with us to the party. We still had to leave early and when we arrived home my parents & Megan were there! My mom had called in the morning to see if they could come & take a three-year-old home with them for a few days. :) Ray quickly agreed that it would be fine so they'll be keeping her until Wednesday!! It will be a wonderful break, especially this close to my due date. I think it will be good for her, too, it'll give Addison a chance to thrive with a little one-on-one time and no competition with Kate.

While I don't really think it will happen, I think that the now would be a really good time to have the baby!

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