Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Just let me go to bed!

This week I'm tired. I'd totally slacked off on house upkeep over the past couple of weeks, being gone on the weekends really threw me off. So, Monday I cleaned & cleaned & ended up being up until about midnight doing so. (my fault)

I was then up at 3:30am, & then at 4:30am with Clay. While still nursing him the garbage truck woke up Addison around 5. Ray's alarm went off at 5:30 & he discovered he didn't have a ride to work. I needed the van for the day so I woke up the other kids & we dropped Ray off at the bus station at 6.

By the time my shift ended at midnight last night I felt beyond exhausted & was so ready for bed. Instead, Clay woke up (he's teething) & I fed him & Addison woke up (she started battling a fever yesterday) & she came to bed with us. I don't sleep well with her in our bed & when Rays' alarm went off Addison woke up, too, & didn't go back to sleep. I desperately tried to sleep a little more but was only able to doze off here & there.

So, it's now 9:30 & I'm really hoping to get into bed soon. Unfortunately, Addisons' fever came back this afternoon & tonight it spiked at 104.9. The ibuprofen seems to be helping a bit but she's not going to sleep. Ray's working so for now I'm staying up, with hopes that Addison will feel better & drift to sleep soon!


Anonymous said...

It all seems seriously unfair for you, girl! Praying you get some needed sleep.-- Ella

Erin said...

Poor, Addison! Hope that she feels better soon and that you get some rest so that you don't get sick!

Jessica said...

Thanks, girls! The end of the week is looking up.


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