Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Little Mother

Addison spends her rest time in my bedroom & when I went in after rest time I found her dolls "napping." I love it!

She's definitely the oldest child & very much enjoys mothering. We went to Kate's well-child visit yesterday & when the doctor would ask questions Addison kept answering before Kate. The doctor jokingly asked Addison who the mommy was & Addison pointed to me but then said, "I'm my babies' mother. I have a baby & I'm her mother." And, it's true, she has a doll that will go with her everywhere. Everywhere. She takes breaks to nurse it, change it's diaper, etc.

Today, she was mothering Kate & after Kates' nap time Addison set up a chair for her around the coffee table & "fed" her. She then moved Kate into the living room where I found Kate lying on her stomach on a chair & Addison "washing" her back & then dried her off - lucky her, I'd just folded all of that laundry in the living room & she found a clean towel to use!

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