Caroline called this afternoon to say that they're having the same kind of weather up in West Virginia that we had down here last week and her flight was cancelled! Not delayed, flat out cancelled. The next flight out is around noon tomorrow. That will give us less than a day together, but, we plan to make the most of it.
This morning Briana came over with her sewing machine so we could try to figure it out. She also surprised me with some Starbucks! Such a sweet surprise.
After finding out Carolines' flight was cancelled I arranged for Ray & I to have one of our in-home pizza & movie dates. I went to Target to buy a frozen pizza & when the barista at Starbucks saw me she waved to say hi & asked if I was getting a drink. When I said no she asked if I wanted one anyway & hooked me up - score! It pays to be a frequent guest!
I also needed toilet paper; the kind we buy was a $1.50 off & if I bought two packs I received a free $5 gift card! When I got home & opened the pack of toilet paper there was a coupon in there for $2 off the next purchase. Excellent.
I love the days when so many things add up to be "good things." Of course, do you ever wonder how much of that is our own perspective? Granted, some days really are better than others, but, is our view tainted by our attitude? If we have an attitude and heart of thankfulness, will we find more for which to be thankful? And, on the opposite side, if we have an attitude of negativity will we miss so many "good things" because we're too busy complaining?
I think that's true in my own life. Some days when my attitude is off I'd rather not find the good in things; even if it makes me feel worse, I'll still complain. Choosing to be thankful can make such a big difference. This is not a profound or original thought, though. See?
A joyful heart is good medicine, But a broken spirit dries up the bones.
Thanks again for the effort you put in on the machine. I did learn a lot from you! Also, after I told Robert about the problems you had, he looked on Craigslist and found a brand new sewing machine for $50, and bought it!
I even got it working and am going to start a project tommorow!
I'm so glad you found one! What's the project? I'm hoping to finally start cutting the fabric for the girls' Easter dresses tonight.
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