Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Day One

My first day of training is over - I'm tired, but, it was great! I'm really thankful I'm able to be here (plus, it's required for me in order to tutor!). The morning session is everyone; the afternoon was smaller with just the people who will be tutoring the same age group as me:

I'm still really, if not even more, excited about this program. It's such an amazing answer to my prayers. I don't get too excited about many things, so, you'll probably be hearing a lot more about this in the coming months.

Anyway, today & yesterday Megan & I took advantage of the 1/2 price frappuccinos at Starbucks - have you tried the mocha coconut yet??? It's amazing, it's like eating ice cream! Yesterday we had the boys with us - look at the sweet cousins sleeping:

Well, I have another busy two days ahead of me, I'm hoping to get a good bit of sleep tonight!

1 comment :

amy said...

LOVE the mocha coconut--can't get enough!!


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