Where did the weekend go?
It was a weird busy/not busy deal. Yesterday morning Ray helped a friend move & didn't get back until after noon. Having him gone threw off the day for me & in order to keep it from feeling like any other day of the week I let the kids watch a movie in the morning. I selfishly put in Tangled for them to watch because I find it to be one of the more entertaining of the kids movies (plus, they love it!). Or, I should say, Addison loves it. Kate & Clay are still too young to just watch tv & it's only recently that Addison has begun to enjoy watching full episodes of something. Not that I'm complaining about that.
Clay & Kate looked so cute down there together! Of course, this was right when I put the movie in, right after the picture Clay started his trek around the house. (Actually, the movie hadn't even started, this was only the previews. Addison insists on watching them!)
After Ray got home I made my morning grocery trip in the afternoon & at night we splurged on redbox movies (where, I discovered westerns still bore me to death) & Five Guys for dinner (made up for the western!)
Today was the usual church-work-church. Ray has to work 6-midnight tonight so it was the kids & I alone at church tonight. There were a lot of people missing - I actually counted & came up with only 27 people! (including the kids!)
Of all days Addison actually fell asleep during rest time this afternoon which means she's not falling asleep tonight. If only this meant she'd sleep in tomorrow morning!
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