Friday, October 07, 2011

Fact: pretty food tastes better

I love salad & I'm so thankful to have a husband who gets very excited when we have a huge salad for dinner! Most men I know usually want lots of meat (Ray likes it, too!), does anyone else have a husband who gets excited over salad?

Lately, I've been using a homemade dressing, a mix of olive oil & pear infused balsamic vinegar. It makes all the difference in the salad, too! I much prefer it to the store bought vinaigrettes (I find they have too much sugar for my salad). Does anyone else have a dressing they like to make?


EUPD said...

No other husbands get excited about salad. Ray is just weird! :)

Briana said...

Actually, Robert does love salad even though he is not a big veggie lover. The only way i can get him to eat spinach is a spinach salad.


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