Sunday, October 23, 2011

Yesterday morning Ray had another HUGE garage sale. I put in a little time & made a but more cash than I expected! First order of business was to go out & buy an over-priced coffee. Important, right?

In the afternoon we tagged along with Ray to hang out at the park with Briana & her girls while the guys all played soccer. After getting home & putting the kids to bed I took some more of my garage sale money & bought Ray & I Five Guys for dinner. It was totally completely worth it.

This afternoon was our first Christmas play practice of the season. Ray signed up to help with the practices & Addison is in the play so we all stayed after. First we ate lunch together - doesn't Clay look like such a big boy sitting at the table by himself??

We also came across coupons for free Italian Ice from Rita's so after play practice we all went for an afternoon treat!

After arriving home I spent the rest of the day cooking, cleaning & baking cookies for Ray to take to work tomorrow. I was asked to bake them for a charity sale they have going on. It took a LONG time and did not produce nearly as many cookies as I had hoped!

1 comment :

Briana said...

For some reason, half the time I comment on a post, it dosen't show up, this is the second time I have tried to comment. Anyways, I would love the recipe for the cookies you made, mine ALWAYS come out flat and hard. I would also love the recipe for your caramelized onion jam. E mail me when you have time, see you Saturday!


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