I don't like going that long between updates. Mostly because in the future, when I go back & look at posts, those big gaps of time mean big gaps in information about my life. When it comes down to it, this blog really is for my benefit. (even though I can see from my stats the a bunch of you are still checking in on me everyday despite my lack of updates!)
So, what's happened since Wednesday. Mostly "boring" stuff, a lot of looooonnnngggg meetings.
Fun stuff, too. And, because I'm me, I enjoy those meetings. This is the kind of busy I can get behind.
Thursday morning the kids & I left the house at 6am & drove to Orlando. I deposited the kids with my family & then I visited the Classical Conversations Orlando group. They're another well-established group & it's good for me to visit other communities to get a feel for how they run their programs.
I was also able to visit my family for a bit in the afternoon & we made it back to our house around 6pm. The rest of the night is a bit of a blur, but, I do remember that I went to the grocery store to purchase the ingredients I needed to make food for events on Friday.
The drive home from the grocery store gave me the chance to keep my eye on the curb for any trash "treasures" people might have out. I seriously love a good trash find & was so excited to find this cage! I've already cleaned & bleached it out, now I just need to figure out what color to paint it.
Friday morning the kids & I went to Briana's house for a mom get together. It was lovely, as always! I know I've said it before, but, I love my friends, they're such an encouraging group of Godly women.
We made it home & I began making some food to bring to my tutor meeting that night, I taught piano from 3:30-5 & then at 5 I left for my tutor meeting. I didn't get home until 12:30am!!! It wasn't all meeting. Since I'll be in the directorship position next year there's a lot of things for me to discuss with the current director, especially since we're in the midst of registration, showcase discussion & practicum planning.
I was quite sad that this was our last tutor meeting of the year, I so enjoy them! I said it's like girls night out. One of the moms said that's kind of pathetic. I'll take what I can get!
Saturday morning Ray left before I was up (I didn't get to bed until 2am the night before) in order to go to the men's prayer breakfast. He was home a little after 10 & told me Nathan was coming to get Ray's boat. He then said they were going to work on the boat...at Conrad's house. A little detail he forgot to mention to me when they planned this the weekend before. And, the 2.5 hours he thought he'd be gone turned into 6 hours! So, Ray got home at 5:40 & then had to work 6-midnight.
Today was church...grocery shopping...work. Same old, same old. I plan to take it a little easier this week, with no meetings planned!
With all of this busyness, I took advantage of the perks of friendship with my local baristas & enjoyed things such as this sweet monstrosity! (Salted Caramel Mocha with four shots of espresso, extra salt & extra caramel!)
Oh my goodness Jessica! That coffee! I could have totally enjoyed that coffee yesterday. Although, I've never heard of adding salt to coffee before...
Meanwhile, I ordered a caramel chiller with double shot of espresso, whipped cream and extra caramel) and stupid Gloria Jeans didn't even put my espresso in! Disappointment plus. I'm over it now, but really - I broke my sugar-free run for it and I was mighty disappointed. Your coffee looks like it definitely would not disappoint! :)
Yes, it's insanely delicious!
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