Monday, August 12, 2013

Back To School!

Today we officially began our 2013-14 school year!

I had wonderful intentions of doing a least a bit of school through the summer. Really good intentions. That SO didn't happen. I think we did a little in June & that was it. I don't know what I was thinking. Even my hardcore school friends say they don't know what I was thinking. Actually, I know. I always try to aim high, higher than typically possible. I think if I set my goals too low than I won't achieve as much as I could because I'm not giving my best effort without challenging goals. I'm totally okay with the fact that we took a break this summer!

Anyway, next Tuesday we start back with our Classical Conversations year so I figured this would be a good week to get our feet wet with the new school year at home.

I'm so ready to have a consistent schedule again, too. I know the kids are also ready, they missed doing school during the summer & Kate has asked why we haven't done it in so long.

For breakfast this morning I made our traditional Blueberry Streusel muffins - just like my mom always made us for our first day of school.

Ray even went to work late this morning so that he could join us for our first day of school breakfast - what a treat!

The kids on their first day - First Grade, Pre-K & Preschool.

The Principal and The Teacher

Our daily school schedule for the year.

As Ray drove off the kids "raced" him down the street. So sweet!

I'm glad we have our first day under our belt & I'm really excited about this upcoming year! I think it will be challenging, profitable and our best year yet!

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