Saturday, June 21, 2003

It's been awhile. VBS at night has kept me busy the past couple of days.

Yesterday was really nice because I got to meet dad at the Olive Garden for lunch. It was really nice & fun too. took him out for Father's Day. :) And he gave me his leftovers which means Ray & I had plenty of food for dinner (no cooking!). I did make chocolate chip cookies yesterday for VBS last night. Unfortunately tehre were a ton leftover so I sent them home with one of the guys. He was carrying the bag like there was gold inside, lol.

Today I'm taking out one of my friends, Erin, for lunch. Her birthday was back in March but I never got her anything for it. So, I'm taking her out. Hopefully we can go to the mall afterwards too & maybe get some coffee. :) I love coffee. :)

Oh! Val came over for breakfast yesterday & she brought my bridesmaid dress! Its SO pretty & its a very flattering cut. I need to get it hemmed & taken in at the top a bit but that's about it. I can't believe there's less than a month until the wedding & to add to the excitement I leave right after it to go to camp for a week! I miss going to camp during the summer so this'll be lots of fun! Hopefully Rach & I will get to counsel together too. :)

Okay, the song I keep listening to: "With or Without You" by U2. I love that song.

Oh, today is summer solstice, the official start of summer! :)

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