Sunday, November 23, 2003

My goodness. I got home from chapel tonight, all alone (Katie & Megan left around 3:30) & checked my e-mail. I had a message from Justin F. who I'd e-mailed a week or so ago. His "signature" at the bottom listed his phone number & I thought what the heck. So I gave him a call.

We talked for 2 hours & 40 minutes! When I got off the phone I couldn't believe it had been that long. It was really nice though, I haven't seen or talked to him in nearly three years. He sent a bunch of pics too & we found out about all of these people that he's good friends with that are related to some of my best friends too. Its such a small world.

Anyway, it was really nice & it sure did pass the time by quickly tonight. I just couldn't believe we talked that long, especially after three years.

I'm just pretty tired now. And I feel so gross. For breakfast, lunch & dinner today I ate pizza & in between I had cookies, brownies & a mocha. Eeeewwwww. So disgusting. I feel so incredibly bloated.

I also found something today. My Christmas cookies. Its those little kind of gross cookies that come in a tub but there's just something about them. I love the way they taste & get them every year! How crazy! Its not like they're that good but I can't help myself. Last year I had a very difficult time finding them so I was glad when they were just sitting on a shelf at Publix today.

AND, Ray comes home tomorrow! I really miss him. REALLY.

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