Saturday, May 06, 2006

I declare today "pool day!" I'm expecting my new Glamour magazine to come in the mail around noon & then I'm going to lather on lots of sunscreen (I don't tan) & go down to the pool to sit around & hopefully swim as well. I'm sure it will be packed, but I don't care. I plan on bringing lots of fresh fruit to snack on as well.

Things haven't been stressful for me lately, but I still just want to relax. Even though things haven't been stressful, they haven't been normal. I think it started when my car broke down & I was stuck at home a lot. Then, I found out I was pregnant & started feeling sick almost 24/7 so I didn't want to go anywhere anyway. But, I feel better when I'm out of the house & I think this will bring back memories of my day at the spa last year. I'm dying to go back. Especially before I get too big. I know I should save any money I get for maternity clothes but its difficult when the spa is tempting me. :) It was just one of the best days that I had. I'd love to go with someone next time, too.

Tonight we're going over to an old friends house. Ray used to work with the guy & I don't think we've seen he or his wife in over a year (or at least I haven't). So, we're going over tonight for dessert & a movie. I think I might make fruit pizza for the dessert. Its easy & really good. I was tempted to just pick something pre-made up at the store. If I'm not feeling well enough I'll end up doing that.

My scrapbook is still setting on the coffee table yelling at me to at least finish the two pages I'm working on. It may happen.

talked to Trent the other day, and he said Allison was putting together an edible garden for Mothers day. What a cool gift that would be. So if you are going to send flowers this year think about the gourmet uses of flower petals. Just make sure they are unsprayed and carefully get rid of any wildlife by giving them a good shake or wipe them with a paper towel - only rinse if absolutely necessary. And there are all types of flowers that can be used in cooking; rose petals on cakes or in jams, marigold petals in stocks or wines to be added in dishes, runner-bean flowers for salads or creamy desserts, borage in stir-fries or cold soups, and herb flowers make great garnishes.

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