Anyway, I relied on my Mom & Megan for pictures so these are from their cameras (thank you!).
We had a nice size crowd, big enough to be fun but not overwhelming (maybe around 20-25 people). Heather & her Mom, Rebecca, hosted the shower for me & my friends do know me well! For one, I can't stand waiting an hour to eat, in my experience you're usually hungry when you arrive so we ate right away!
Rebecca made all of this delicious food from a healthy cookbook she has. We ate tabouleh, hummus, olive tapenade, veggies, greek salad, a bean salad, & a fruit/yogurt dessert. My grandmother contributed tuxedo brownies -YUM! And, to top it all off we used real china, it was so nice!

Next we opened presents, which of course was a lot of fun for me! We received some things off of our registry, LOTS of pink clothes, & money contributions towards a crib. That was such a blessing, I started crying when they gave me the collection for that.

Another thing my friends know about me is that I DO NOT LIKE SHOWER GAMES. They usually end up being the same things at most every shower that people don't really feel like participating in. So, the only one we did was cutting a string to guess the girth of my belly. As you can see below, Megan was way off. Heather & I also measured my boobs, for fun, & it turns out they're STILL bigger than my stomach! How does that happen???

In place of games, the ladies created scrapbooking pages for me! I love to scrapbook, so they created pages so that once the baby gets here all I'll have to do is add the pictures & journaling! I thought it was a neat idea. And, Megan, as much as she hates all things traditional wedding/baby related, very kindly participated anyway.

Here's me with Renee on the left & my Mom on the right. Renee has known me since I was six years old, did my hair for the wedding & really has watched me grow up!

And, finally, a picture of the favors. Cute little tins with tags Heather made filled with chocolate covered almonds & Harry & David chocolates. Those chocolates were seriously delicious!

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