Friday, October 13, 2006

My first baby shower is tomorrow!!! Yea! I'm really looking forward to this one, it's in Orlando so some family & a lot of my old friends will be there. To me that just makes it so much more special.

I'm really bad and, just like when I got married, I keep checking my registry. :) It doesn't ruin all of the surprises though, lots of people buy you things not on your registry, too! Plus, I get all excited when I see that some items are off of the list.

I'm sure I'll be getting a call in a little bit from my family.

"What time are you getting here?" :)

I still have no idea. I'm doing laundry so that I'll have some cute clean clothes to wear this weekend, my kitchen is a tad messy & I need to do a bit of shopping so that Ray will have food to eat this weekend. After that I may leave. Little Saigon is sounding really good right now too, I haven't had it in months!

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