Friday, July 13, 2007


Why do some of the parents of my piano students seem to think I'm a free babysitter?

My last student for today just left. The mom arrived a couple of minutes early & then didn't show up to get her daughter until about 10 minutes after the lesson ended! And, she tried to tell me she wasn't late & was showing me her watch (which was about 5 minutes behind, which would still make her late!).

It still has me shaking, mostly because the mom seemed to be getting a bit upset that I was accusing her of being late. Anyone who knows me knows I told her these things nicely. I told her I have other students to which she accusingly asked, "Where are they?" I also told her I have other things to do, such as nurse the baby or go somewhere so that's why I need the times to be prompt.

I also let her know that she was early so the lesson started early. She tried to tell me, "No, no, if I get here early you don't start early." So, what? She expects me to let her kid sit around my house just because she showed up before she was supposed to? I should just stop answering the door when they get here when it's not their time yet.

Anyway, that was more of a vent, I wanted to get it off my chest, however boring it may be. When I called Ray & told him he told me, "You could be doing mortage broker work." Maybe that is looking a little better.

*Note: Just so you know I'm not being petty...10 minutes may not seem like a lot, but it is if you're pressed for time between lessons or need to leave to be somewhere else.

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