I feel like I've just been so horrible about blogging lately. I'm sure part of it is that I really haven't been on the computer much lately so the more time that passes by the more I ahve to write about but then I feel overwhelmed at where to start! (Did you follow that?)
With the business being so slow lately Ray is also home more. We only have the one laptop so he's on it a good part of the time. He had a class all day today so it's just me & Addison.
Here are some morning time pictures from this week. I love when we first get Addison out of bed & she comes & hangs out with us in our room.

This is why it can be so hard to get her picture up close - she wants to touch the camera
Even though this is blurry I just love the picture! She was having so much fun getting me to chase her. When I didn't follow fast enough she just kind of waited around looking for me to come & get her again. It was so cute!
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