Today is Ray's birthday so last night I made him one of his favorites, chocolate raspberry torte. (What, you STILL haven't tried it after I posted the recipe two years ago? It's not difficult, & it's incredibly rich!) It's funny, looking through my archives this is at least the third year in a row I've made it for his birthday.
Ray & I have been a bit on hiatus as far as giving each other gifts, lately. I still like to do a little something (hence the baking) so yesterday Ray just happened to be away most of the day so I attempted some photos with Addison. That was exhausting. I was trying to take the picture using the tripod & timer but the most decent photo ended up being one that I just held myself.

So, it's not quite as detailed as what I made him last year for his birthday, but I think he'll like it.
I also have a prenatal appointment this afternoon, my family is coming sometime today (even Megan & Matthew! [m&m]), & we're having our "Office" party tonight. I'm glad that other people are really excited about it, too! Matthew even took off of work tomorrow so that they could come this evening. James will also arrive later tonight & stay the weekend with us. Busy busy!
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