Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Tomorrow morning I have a dentist appointment.

It's only my second appointment since we've been married. I know, I know, we've been married for nearly 7 years now but don't give me any grief - we haven't had dental in 6. Ray has an old friend from high school who's a dentist and he's giving us a great discount (thank goodness for facebook reunions!).

I've been ever so blessed to never have had a cavity or any major dental work required. I'm rather afraid that tomorrow I'll find out less-than-happy news about my teeth.

Two years ago, a few months after Addison was born, I noticed a small hole on the front of one of my front teeth. I found it when a small piece of brownie from my java chip frappaccino got stuck in my front tooth. (yuck!)

All of the googling in the whold has not unearthed what is wrong with my teeth. I've since developed another hole in a different front tooth. They start out teeny tiny, right by my gum line, and procced to only do what I would call "eroding" my teeth. It's really strange, hideous, & gross! Especially when I've had such great teeth all of these years (I even still wear my retainers at night!).

And, now I've started developing holes in two more of my front teeth! These have now shown up just a few months after having Kate - could this be related to me nursing? Maybe a calcium deficiency? Something I'm eating, maybe I'm too acidic?

I don't know. I'm hoping the mystery will be solved for me tomorrow. My bottom molars on the left side of my mouth ahve been hurting, too. I suspect either a cavity or a cracked tooth.

While I'm glad I should know what's wrong tomorrow, I don't know that it will fix anything. I really don't think we'll get a discount good enough to be able to do anything to fix my teeth at the moment. Which, totally stinks because I don't want them to get worse. Plus, my teeth are starting to hurt a bit now & I'd really like that to get remedied!

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